The Floating World

Oil on canvas. I’ve recently been thinking of how my Vancouver garden is so often saturated with rain, clouds, grey skies. With the increasing drought, nearby fires and global warming I am more and more grateful for those rainy days.

Merino Wool~ Logwood Natural Dye

These very soft, lightweight, Merino Wool scarves have been dyed with Logwood Natural Dye. I’ve added a touch of Lac, also a natural dye, to give a bit more of a reddish, more intense purple. The patterns are created using Japanese Nui Shibori stitching techniques. Very labour intensive but I’m pleased with the results.

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The Blue Vase


Oil on Canvas 18×24″

In this painting of a bouquet of tulips I’m playing with the vibrancy and intensity of the colours in the painting and the flowing intricacy of the various forms….the bright pinks and reds of the soft, flowing forms of the tulips set against the intense blue, quite rigid, sculptural form of the vase, the dark green, very pointy, forms of the leaves and the softer green of the background.
The tulip in the centre is the obvious star of this drama~ the diva surrounded by the adoring corps de ballet.

Broken Flowers

The Broken Flower paintings are about memory- the way we remember selectively, forget, blot things out, remember again, but differently each time. Each surface has been reworked….. painted, layered, blurred, scraped away and painted again….. and again. The focus of these paintings is often on their edges. I wanted to refer to the way that memories often come at us indirectly, appearing at the edges of our conciousness. Sometimes seemingly unimportant details, only seen in our peripheral vision originally, become the main and most important part of a remembered event.

Landscape Memories

I’ve just finished this new painting “Landscape Memories”, 4×3 feet. During the past months I’ve been longing to travel. The painting is about the layering of memories of landscapes I’ve visited, photographed, drawn. I’ve collaged wallpaper onto the surface. For me the wallpaper represents memories of/nostalgia for an earlier time.

Wearable Art

Nicole wearing my scarves made from natural fibres~ silk, cotton and linen~ dyed with natural dyes~ Indigo, Logwood, Persimmon and Clerodendrum.

Sustainable, ethical fashion. Natural dyes are kind to the environment~ a safe way to produce colour on textiles. My scarves are for sale at

Silk Hangings

Some new pieces for my exhibition, “The Density of Light”, at Visual Space Gallery. The hangings combine silk organza, silk cocoons and leaves from my garden dyed with Indigo and Persimmon natural dyes. These are the colours of my winter garden~ the soft browns of decay and the icy blues of winter skies. I love working with silk in all of its many variations and with these hangings I want to celebrate the luminous qualities of silk and its contradictions of strength and fragility.